Prof. Dr. Yusufjon Gafforov

Laboratory of Mycology, Institute of Botany

Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences, 32 Durmon yuli; 100125, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Tel.: (998) 94-6425701




1998    Diploma (MSc), Namangan State University, Namangan

2005    Ph.D. Scientific Centre of Plant Production “Botanika”



Fungal biodiversity, distribution, taxonomy and including medicinal and plant pathogenic fungi, DNA barcoding, molecular phylogeny and define of their bio-ecological peculiarities, regularity of spreading throughout the seasons of the year, studying of pathogenic/damage organisms available in this region.


2019–           Uzbekistan Representative for Asian Mycological Association

2018 –2019  Visiting Scientist, Bio-Resources and Bio-Technology Research Center,      Institute of Applied Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

2016–           Senior Scientist/Principal investigator, Institute of Botany, UzAS, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

2015-2016   Visiting Scientist, Institute of Microbiology, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria.

2014-2015   Post-Doctoral Fellow, Institute of Botany, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

2013-2013   Visiting Scientist, Dep. of Ecology, University of Kassel, Kassel, Germany.

2012-2014   Regional Delegate of the Inter. Soc. for Fungal Conservation for Central & Western of Asia

2011-2012    Post-Doctoral Fellow, Dep. of Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Uppsala, Sweden.

2009-2009   Visiting Scientist, Ruhr University of Bochum, Bochum, Germany.

2007-2008   Post-Doctoral Fellow, Institute of Microbiology of the Chinese Acad. of      Sciences. Beijing, China.

2007-2007   Visiting Researcher, University of Ibaraki, Mito, Japan.

2006-2011   Scientist, SCPP “Botanika”, UzAS, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

2005-2006   Visiting scholar, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.

2004-2005   Junior Researcher, SCPP “Botanika”, UzAS, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

2000-2003   PhD student. SCPP “Botanika”, UzAS, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

2000-2000   Research Assistant, SCPP “Botanika”, UzAS, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

1998-1999   Teacher of biology and chemistry at secondary school, Namangan, Uzbekistan.


Membership in professional societies

2019 –             Asian Mycological Association

2013 –            International Council on Grapevine Trunk Diseases

2012 –2014     International Union of Forest Research Organizations

2012 –2012     COST Action FP1102-Determining Invasiveness and Risk of Dothistroma Working Group

2012 – 2014    International Society for Fungal Conservation

2012 –             Forum AscoFrance


Other Professional Activities, Workshops, Seminars, Conference

2020 Apr. 5           Republican Online Scientific-Practical Conference/Conservation and Development of Biodiversity, Gulistan, Uzbekistan

2019 Sep. 19-22    10th International Medicinal Mushroom Conference, Nantong, China

2019 Sep. 4-6        2nd International Eurasian Mycology Congress, Konya, Turkey

2019 May 4-5       International scientific-practical conference: Uzbekistan ornamental flowers diversity: problems and achievements. Namangan, Uzbekistan

2019 March 4-5    Seminar: Key Laboratory for Plant Diversity and Biogeography of East Asia, Kunming Institute of Botany, CAS, Kunming, China.

2019 March 1-2          Seminar: Guizhou Institute of Biology, Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences,

Guiyang, China.

2019 Jan 14           Seminar: Jilin Agricultural University, Changchun, China

2018 Dec 14          Annual Meeting in Institute of Applied Ecology, CAS, Shenyang, China

2017 Sep.              Joint IUFRO Meeting of WP 7.03.05 & 7.03.10 “Forest Insects and Pathogens in a Changing Environment: Ecology, Monitoring & Genetics”, Thessaloniki, Greece

2017 May 5-6       International Scientific Conference of National University of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

2016 Sep 9            Uzbek-China joint workshop, Institute of Botany, UzAS, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

2014 Sep 9-10       Republic conference, Conservation and rational using of Gene Pool of Plants and Animals, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

2014 Sep 9-13       2nd International Conference, Arid Land Studies Innovations for Sustainability and Food Security in Arid and Semiarid Lands, Samarkand, Uzbekistan

2013 Aug 19-24    Asian Mycological Congress 2013 & 13th International Marine and Freshwater Mycology Symposia, Beijing, China

2012 Sep 14-16     Working Party Meeting, Joint IUFRO 7.03.10 – “Methodology of forest insect and disease survey” and IUFRO WP 7.03.06 – “Integrated management of forest defoliating insects”, Palanga, Lithuania

2012 Sep 10-11     IV-International Conference, Mountain ecosystems and their components, Sukhumi, Abkhazia

2012 Aug 6-9        Working Group Meetings and Annual Workshop, COST Action FP1102- Determining Invasiveness and Risk of Dothistroma Management Committee, Aberdeen, UK

2012 June 13         Annual Workshop, Organism Biology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden 

2012 May 21-25   Dothistroma Training course, Mendel University in Brno, Czech Republic

2009 July 3-4        IV-Republican Scientific-Practical Conference, Problems and Prospects of Introduction Plants, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

2009 Sep 11-12     International Scientific Conference, Actual Problems of Algology, Mycology and Hydrobotany, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

2008 Jul 5-Aug 28 Symposium, China-Japan Pan Asia Pacific Mycology Forum, Changchun, China

2008 Aug 1-2        China-Japan Joint Workshop, Powdery Mildew and Rust Fungi and their Modern Taxonomy and Phylogeny

2008 Sep 25-26     International Scientific Conference, Ecological Problems of Desertification of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

2008 Dec 11-12    International Scientific Conference, Actual Problems of Molecular Biology of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

2008 Oct 28          Meeting, DNA Barcoding of Fungi of China, Beijing, China

2008 Oct 10          China-US Joint Seminar, Recent Developments in Fungal Genomics and Polykide synthese Genus in the Pheumocadin Producing Fungus Glarea lozoyensis, Beijing, China

2007 May 16-18   ІІІ-International Young Scientists Conference, Biodiversity, Ecology, Adaptation Evolution, Odessa, Ukraine

2007 Oct 4-7         International Scientific-Practical Conference, Biology, Ecology and Plant Protection, Andijan, Uzbekistan

2004 Sep 16-17     International Conference, Development of Botany in Central Asia and its Integration in Production, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

2004 Nov 6           Scientific-Practical Workshop, Problems of Preserving the Flora and Fauna of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

2003 May 9-11     II-International Conference, Science and Technology in XXI century: Scientific-Technical Society of Uzbekistan “TINBO”, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

2003 Nov 2-5        Scientific Conference, Botanical Research in Kazakhstan, Almaty, Kazakhstan

2002 Sep 5-6         Scientific Conference, Dedicated to 10th of Karshi State University, Karshi, Uzbekistan

2002 Oct 17-20     International Conference, Devoted to 70th Anniversary of Institute of Botanic and Phyto-introduction, Almaty, Kazakhstan

2002 June 10-14   Vth Plant Life of Southwest Asia Symposium, Van, Turkey


Reviews and editor of the peer-review journals and Projects

2021 Guest Editor: Frontiers in Fungal Biology/ Biodiversity and Conservation of Fungi         and Fungus-like organisms

2021 - Review Editor: Frontiers in Fungal Biology/ Marine and Freshwater Fungi

2020 - Editorial Board: Mycology/ An International Journal on Fungal Biology

2020 - Review Editor: Frontiers in Microbiology/ Fungi and Their Interactions

2019 - Associate Editor: Plant Pathology & Quarantine is an international peer-reviewed            journal

Review Articles: Fungal Diversity; Studies in Mycology; Frontiers in Microbiology; BMC          Microbiology; Mycological Progress; Mycoscience; Biodiversity Data Journal; Nova         Hedwigia; Songklanakarin J. of Sc. & Techno, Trakya University J. of Natural      Sciences.

Projects: Alliance of International Science Organizations (ANSO) and Committee for      Coordination Science and Technology Development under the Cabinet of Ministers of       the Republic of Uzbekistan.




Antonelli, A.; Fry, C.; Smith, R.J.; Simmonds, M.S.J. et al. (2020). State of the World’s Plants and Fungi 2020. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. DOI: 10.34885/172


Book Chapters

Gafforov, Y.S. (2015): Уго-Чотқол Давлат миллий табиат боғининг ўсимлик ва ҳайвонот олами днёси [Plants and Animals of Ugam-Chatkal State National Natural Park]: Видовое разнообразие и распространеные грибов рода Ramularia Unger (Mycosphaerellaceae) в Западном Тянь-Шане [Species diversity and distribution of the genus Ramularia Unger (Mycosphaerelaceae) in the Western Tein Shan]. Chinor ERNk Press., Tashkent. 48-87 p. (In Russian).


Peer reviews papers (in English)

Abdurazakov A.A., Bulgakov T.S., Kholmuradova T.N., Gafforov Y., Powdery mildew fungi (Erysiphaceae) of the Fergana Valley (within Uzbekistan): a first annotated checklist (2021). Novosti Sistematiki Nizshikh Rastenii 55(1):55–78. doi: 10.31111/nsnr/2021.55.1.55. [IF 1.0]

Gafforov Y., Ordynets A., Langer E., Yarasheva M., Gugliotta A., Schigel D., Pecoraro L., Zhou Y., Cai L., Zhou L.W. (2020). Species diversity with comprehensive annotations of wood-inhabiting poroid and corticioid fungi in Uzbekistan. Frontiers in Microbiology. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2020.598321 [IF 4.23]

Hyde, K.D., Jeewon, R., Chen, Y….. Gafforov Y. et al. (2020). The numbers of fungi: is the descriptive curve flattening?. Fungal Diversity. doi: 10.1007/s13225-020-00458-2 [IF 15.59]

Pecoraro, L., Wang, X., Venturella, G…. Gafforov Y. et al. (2020). Molecular evidence supports simultaneous association of the achlorophyllous orchid Chamaegastrodia inverta with ectomycorrhizal Ceratobasidiaceae and Russulaceae. BMC Microbiolology 20(236): doi: 10.1186/s12866-020-01906-4

Yuan, HS, Lu, X, Dai, YC, Hyde, KD…. Gafforov, Y…. et al. (2020). Fungal diversity notes 1153–1267: taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions to fungal taxa. Fungal Diversity, [IF 15.59]

Cheek, Martin; Nic Lughadha, Eimear; Kirk, Paul; Lindon, Heather; Carretero, Julia; Looney, Brian; Douglas, Brian; Haelewaters, Danny; Gaya, Ester; Llewellyn, Theo; Ainsworth, Martyn; Gafforov, Yusufjon; Hyde, Kevin; Crous, Pedro; Hughes, Mark; Walker, Barnaby;  Campostrini Forzza , Rafaela; Wong, Khoon Meng; Niskanen, Tuula (2020) New discoveries: Plants and Fungi described in 2019 Plants, People, Planet.

Gafforov Y., Phookamsak R., Jiang H.B., Wanasinghed D.N., Juliev M. (2019). Ophiobolus hydei sp. nov. (Phaeosphaeriaceae, Ascomycota) from Cirsium and Phlomoides in Uzbekistan. Botany, doi: 10.1139/cjb-2019-0118 [ IF 1.50]

Liu, Y, Gafforov, Y and Liang, YM. (2019): Taxonomy and phylogenetic position of Phragmidium altaicum, a newly described rust fungus on Rosa species: Phytotaxa DOI: [ IF 1.16]

Pem D, Jeewon J, Bulgakov T, Gafforov Y, Hongsanan S, Phookamsak R., Xu J.C, Promputtha I, Doilom M & Hyde K.H. (2019). Taxonomy and molecular phylogeny of Thyrostroma ephedricola sp. nov. (Dothidotthiaceae) and proposal for Thyrostroma jaczewskii comb. nov.  Phytotaxa, 416(4).  243–256. doi: 10.11646/phytotaxa.416.4.3  [ IF 1.16]

Kevin D. Hyde KD, Tennakoon DS, Jeewon R…. Gafforov Y… et al. (2019). Fungal diversity notes 1036–1150: taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions on genera and species of fungal taxa. Fungal Diversity, 96(1): 1–242 [ IF 15.56]

Liu SL, Gafforov Y, Zhang XY, Wang HL, Wang XW & Zhou LW. (2019). Reinstatement of the corticioid genus Leifia (Hymenochaetales, Basidiomycota) with a new species L. brevispora from Hubei, Central China. MycoKeys, 51: 85–96. doi: 10.3897/mycokeys.51.33262 [ IF 2.43]

Pem D, Jeewon R, Gafforov Y, Hongsanan S, Phukhamsakda C, Promputtha I, Doilom M, and Hyde KD. (2019). Melanocamarosporioides ugamica gen. et sp. nov., a novel member of the family Melanommataceae from Uzbekistan. Mycological Progress, 18(3): 471–481 [ IF 2.00]

Pem D, Y Gafforov, R Jeewon, S Hongsanan, I Promputtha, M Doilom (2018). Multigene phylogeny coupled with morphological characterization reveal two new species of Holmiella and taxonomic insights within Patellariaceae. Cryptogamie, Mycologie 39 (2), 193-209

Wanasinghe DN, Jeewon R, Peršoh D, Jones EBG, Camporesi E, Bulgakov TS, Gafforov YS and Hyde KD. (2018): Taxonomic circumscription and phylogenetics of novel didymellaceous taxa with brown muriform spores. Studies in Fungi 3(1): 152–175 [ IF 15.56]

Samarakoon M.C., Gafforov Y., Liu N.G., Maharachchikumbura S.S.N., Bhat J.D., Liu J.K., Promputtha I & Hyde K.D. (2018): Combined multi-gene backbone tree for the genus Coniochaeta with two new species from Uzbekistan. Phytotaxa 336(1): 043–058. [ IF 1.16]

Wanasinghe DN, Phukhamsakda C, Hyde KD, Jeewon R, Lee HB, Jones EBG, Tibpromma Y, Tennakoon DS, Dissanayake AJ, Jayasiri SC, Gafforov Y., Camporesi E, Bulgakov TS, Ekanayake AH, Perera RH, Samarakoon MS, Goonasekara ID, Mapook A, Li WN, Senanayake IC, Lin CG, Li J, Norphanphoun C, Mingkwan Doilom, Bahkali AH, Xu J, Mortimer PE, Karunarathna SC. (2018): Fungal diversity notes 709–839: taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions to fungal taxa with an emphasis on fungi on Rosaceae. Fungal Diversity. [ IF 15.56]

Gafforov, Y.S., Riebesehl, J., Ordynets, A., Langer, E., Yarasheva, T.M., Ghobad-Nejhad, M., Zhou, L. W., Qin, W.M. & Gugliotta, A.M. (2017): Hyphodontia (Hymenochaetales, Basidiomycota) and similar taxa from Central Asia: Accepted for printing in: Botany, [ IF 1.50]

Gafforov Y. & Rakhimov D. (2017): Diplodia and Dothiorella species (Botryosphaeriaceae, Ascomycota) from Uzbekistan. Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas. 11(2). 455-467. [IF 0.30]

Wanasinghe, D.N., Hyde K.D., Crous P.W., Wijayawardene N.N., Jeewon R., Jones E.B.G., Bhat D.J., Phillips A.J.L., Groenewald J.Z., Dayarathne M.C., Phukhamsakda C., Thambugala K.M., Bulgakov T.S., Camporesi E., Gafforov Y.S., Mortimer P.E., and Karunarathna S.C. (2017): Phylogenetic revision of Camarosporium (Pleosporinae, Dothideomycetes) and allied genera. Studies in Mycology, [IF 11.59]

Antonín, V., Ďuriška, O., Gafforov, Y., Jančovičová, S., Para, R., Tomšovský, M. (2017): Molecular phylogenetics and taxonomy in Melanoleuca exscissa group, (Tricholomataceae, Basidiomycota) and the description of M. griseobrunnea sp. nov. Accepted for printing in: Plant Systematics and Evolution: doi: 10.1007/s00606-017-1430-y. [IF 1.68]

Gafforov, Y.S. (2017): A preliminary checklist of Ascomycetous microfungi from Southern Uzbekistan. Mycosphere 8(4): 660–696. DOI 10.5943/mycosphere/8/4/12. [IF 2.0]

Yuan, Y., Gafforov, Y., Chen, Y.Y., Wu, F. (2017): A new species of Antrodia (Basidiomycota, Polypores) from juniper forest of Uzbekistan. Phytotaxa 303(1): 047–055. [IF 1.16]

Kan, Y.H., Gafforov, Y, Li, T., Zhou, L. W. (2017): Hyphodontia zhixiangii sp. nov. (Schizoporaceae, Basidiomycota) from Uzbekistan. Phytotaxa 299(2): 273–279 [IF 1.16]

Gafforov, Y., Abdurazzokov, A, Yarasheva, M., Ono, Y. (2016): Rust Fungi from the Fergana Valley, Chatkal and Kurama Mountain Ranges in Uzbekistan. Stapfia reports, 105: 161–175.

Gafforov, Y.S. (2016): Coniothyrium-like fungi (Ascomycota) from Western Tien Shan and South-Western Hissar mountains of Uzbekistan. Uzbekistan biological Journal 4: 32-36.

Yatsiuk, I., Saar, I., Kalamees, K., Sulaymonov, Sh., Gafforov, Y., O’donnell, K. (2016): Epitypification of Morchella steppicola (Morchellaceae, Pezizales), a morphologically, phylogenetically and biogeographically distinct member of the Esculenta Clade from central Eurasia. Phytotaxa 284(1): 031–040. [IF 1.16]

Gafforov, Y., Hoshino, T. (2015): Remarks on Typhula sp. in Uzbekistan. Mycoscience 56(1): 109-113. [IF 1.38]

Gafforov, Y., Tomsovsky, M., Langer, E., Zhou, L.E. (2014): Phylloporia yuchengii sp. nov. (Hymenochaetales, Basidiomycota) from Western Tien Shan Mountains of Uzbekistan Based on Phylogeny and Morphology. Cryptogamie Mycologie 35(4): 313-322. [IF 2.37]

Gafforov, Y.S. (2014): Taxonomy and diversity of the genus Ganoderma karst. (Basidiomycota) species in Uzbekistan. Uzbekistan biological Journal, Special issues: 22-25.

Gafforov, y.S. (2010): Ecological peculiarities and mycodiversity of parasite hyphalic fungi (Hyphales) of Fergana Valley and their spread on host plants. Uzbekistan biological Journal 2: 46-51.


Peer reviewed papers (in Uzbek and Russian)

Kholmuradova T., Abdurazakov A., Teshaboyeva Sh., Gafforov Y. (2020). Macrophytes of the Turkestan Mountain Range and Their Rust Diseases. Scientific bulletin of Andijan State University 8 (52), 28-39

Abdurazakov A, Gafforov Y. (2020). Mycobiota and fungal diseases of Salicaceae of Fergana valley. Scientific bulletin of Karshi State University 3, 7-57

Norimova G., Abdurazakov A., Gafforov Y. (2020). Fungal diseases of some plants of Zarafshan national nature park. Scientific bulletin of Andijan State University 4, 61-69

Abdurazakov A., R Mamadaminov, Gafforov Y. (2020). Rust fungi of tree and bushes plants of Fergana Valley. Scientific bulletin of Andijan State University 4, 36-44

Abdurazakov, A.A. and Gafforov, Y.S. (2020): Species of Diplodia on trees and shrubs in the Fergana Valley. Uzbekistan biological J. 2: 21-24.

Abdurazakov, A.A., Pem D., and Gafforov, Y.S. (2019): Ascomycetous Microfungi of Trees and Shrubs of Fergana Valley. Scientific bulletin of Andijan State University. 4: 13-21

Abdurazakov, A.A., and Gafforov, Y.S. (2019): Microfungi and diseases of Hawthorn (Crataegus L.) in the Fergana Valley. Scientific bulletin of Namangan State University. 11: 50-56

Abdurazakov, A.A., Ikromov S., Khalilova K., Mamadaminov R., Xamroxujaeyv A., Azizov V., and Gafforov, Y.S. (2019): Mycobiota and fungal diseases of Maple (Acer L.) trees in Uzbekistan. Bulletin of National University of Uzbekistan.

Gafforov, Y. (2016): Бойсун ботаник-географик райони дендрофлорасининг аскомицет-микромицетлари [Ascomycetous microfungi of Dendroflora of Boysun-botanical-geographic region]. Uzbekistan Journal of Ecology 12: 36-39 (In Uzbek).

Solieva, Ya. S., Nuraliev, H. H., Gafforov, Y.S., Iminova, M.M. (2007): Виды рода Ascochyta Lib. на растениях семейства тыквенных (Cucurbitaceae) [Species of the genus Ascochyta Lib. on plants of the family Cucurbitaceae]. Bulletin of Academy of Science Republic of Uzbekistan 1: 15-21 (In Russian).

Nuraliev, H.H., Gafforov, Y.S., Iminova, M.M., Allayarov, N.J. (2006): Сариосий тумани маданий ўсимликларининг фитопатоген замбуруғлари ва уларнинг фасллар бўйича тарқалиши [Seasonal distribution of phytopathogen fungi on cultivated plants in Sariyasiyo district]. Uzbekistan biological Journal 4: 37-45 (In Uzbek).

Gafforov, Y.S. (2005): Наманган вилоятининг маданий ўсимликлари микобиотаси [Mycobiota of cultivated plants in Namangan Region]. Uzbekistan biological Journal 6: 41-44 (In Uzbek). 

Nuraliev, H.H., Gafforov, Y.S., Sharipova, A., Iminova, M. (2005): Тошкент вилоятининг данак-мевали маданий дарахтларининг микобиотаси [Mycobiota of fruit-stone cultural trees of Tashkent region]. Uzbekistan biological Journal 6: 37-40 (In Uzbek).

Gafforov, Y.S. (2002): Наманган вилоятининг пикнидияли замбуруғлари флораси [Flora of Pycnidial fungi of Namangan region]. Uzbekistan biological Journal 2: 43-48 (In Uzbek).

Solieva, Y.S, Gafforov, Y.S. (2002): Ўзбекистон флораси учун микромицетларнинг янги туркум ва турлари [New species and genera of micromycetes for flora of Uzbekistan]. Bulletin of Academy of Science of Republic of Uzbekistan 4: 42-45 (In Uzbek).

Solieva, Ya.S, Gafforov, Y.S. (2001): Ўзбекистон микофлораси учун янги турлар [New species for mycoflora of Uzbekistan]. Journal of Agrarian Sciences of Tashkent State University 3(5): 36-39 (In Uzbek).


Papers presented at International and local conferences and meetings

Y Gafforov, A Abdurazakov, T Kholmuradova (2020). Pathogenic ascomycetes of mountain forest trees and shrubs in Zaamin National Nature Park, Uzbekistan. Dendrobiotic Invertebrates and Fungi and their Role in Forest Ecosystems, Proceedings of the All-Russia conference with international participation. 128-129. DOI: 10.21266/SPBFTU.2020.KATAEV

Y Gafforov, A Abdurazzakov, G Norimova, LW Zhou, L Cai (2020). Diversity of pathogenic mycobiota of elms (Ulmus spp.) in Uzbekista. Dendrobiotic Invertebrates and Fungi and their Role in Forest Ecosystems, Proceedings of the All-Russia conference with international participation. 126-127. DOI: 10.21266/SPBFTU.2020.KATAEV

Y Gafforov, T Kholmuradova, A Abdurazakov, G Norimova (2020). Powdery mildew fungi of medicinal plants of Zaamin National Nature Park. Food Security: National and Global drivers, II International Scientific and Theoretical Conference, 16-17 October 2020, Samarkand, Uzbekistan. 309-310

T Kholmuradova, Y Gafforov (2020). Rust fungi of macrophytes of Turkestan ridge. Food Security: National and Global drivers, II International Scientific and Theoretical Conference, 16-17 October 2020 , Samarkand, Uzbekistan. 295-296

A Abdurazakov, Y Gafforov (2020). Mycobiota of medicinal Barberry (Berberis spp.) species in Uzbekistan. Food Security: National and Global drivers, II International Scientific and Theoretical Conference, Samarkand, Uzbekistan. 276-277

G Norimova, Y Gafforov (2020). Microfungi of plants in Zarafshan national nature park. Food Security: National and Global drivers, II International Scientific and Theoretical Conference, 16-17 October 2020 , Samarkand, Uzbekistan. 285-286

A Abdurazakov, Y Gafforov (2020). Survey of pathogenic aphyllophoroid basidiomycetes of Fergana Valley, Uzbekistan. 46. DOI: 10.21266/SPBFTU.2020.KATAEV

Gafforov Y. (2020): Species of Puccinia on Apiaceae in Ugam-Chatkal and Zaamin National Nature Parks, Uzbekistan. Republican Online Scientific-Practical Conference/Conservation and Development of Biodiversity, 05 April, 2020, Gulistan, Uzbekistan.

Ikromov S., Abdurazzokov A. and Gafforov Y. (2020): Rust diseases of Rosa L. (Rosaceae) species in the Chatkal Biosphere Reserve. Republican Online Scientific-Practical Conference/Conservation and Development of Biodiversity, 05 April, 2020, Gulistan, Uzbekistan

Abdurazzokov A., Bulturov D., and Gafforov Y. (2020): Some data on powdery mildew fungi of trees and shrubs of the Fergana Valley. Republican Online Scientific-Practical Conference/Conservation and Development of Biodiversity, 05 April, 2020, Gulistan, Uzbekistan

Gafforov Y., Bao H.Y., and Zhou L.W. (2019): Biodiversity of Medicinal Aphylloporoid Fungal Resources of Uzbekistan, Central Asia. 10th International Medicinal Mushroom Conference, 19-22 September 2019, Nantong, China

Gafforov Y., Ordynets A., Langer E., DAI Y.C., and Zhou L.W. (2019): Poroid and Corticioid Fungi of Uzbekistan, Central Asia. 2nd International Eurasian Mycology Congress. 03-10 Sep. 2019, Konya, Turkey.

Gafforov Y. (2019): Puccinia Species (Pucciniales) from Western Tien Shan and Turkestan Mountains of Uzbekistan. 2nd International Eurasian Mycology Congress. 03-10 Sep. 2019, Konya, Turkey.

Abdurazzokov A., Zhou L.W., and Gafforov Y. (2019): Survey on Pathogenic Aphyllophoroid Basidiomycetes of Fergana Valley, Uzbekistan. 2nd International Eurasian Mycology Congress. 03-10 Sep. 2019, Konya, Turkey.

Ikromov S., Mamadaminov R., Zhao P., and Gafforov Y. (2019): Preliminary Survey of Rust Diversity of Chatkal Biosphere Reserve in Uzbekistan. 2nd International Eurasian Mycology Congress. 03-10 Sep. 2019, Konya, Turkey.

Abdurazakov, A.A., Ikromov S., Mamadaminov R., Gafforov, YS (2019): Фарғона водийсида тарқалган терак (Populus, Salicaceae) дарахтининг замбуруғлари ҳақида дастлабки маълумотлар [Some date of fungi on popular (Populus, Salicaceae) trees in the Fergana Valley]. International scientific-practical conference: Uzbekistan ornamental flowers diversity: problems and achievements. Namangan, May, 2019. P. 188-191.

Gafforov, Y.S. (2019): Wood inhabiting fungi and their medicinal priorities of Uzbekistan. Seminar of Jilin Agricultural University, Changchun, China, January 2019

Gafforov, Y.S. (2018): Exploring Fungal Diversity and Taxonomy of Wood-Inhabiting Basidiomycetes in Forest Ecosystems of Uzbekistan. Annual Meeting of Institute of Applied Ecology, CAS, Shenyang, China, December 2018.

Gafforov, Y.S. (2017): Survey on ascomycetous plant pathogenic fungi of the trees and bushes in the Boysuntog ridge of the Hissar Mountains of Southern Uzbekistan: Mountain Ecosystems and Their Components: Proceedings of the VI All-Russian Conference with International Participation, dedicated to the Year of Ecology in Russia and the 100th Anniversary of the Reserve research in Russia (Nalchik) / ed. Corresponding member. RAS F.A. Tembotova. - Makhachkala: ALEF, September, 2017. 83-84.

Gafforov, Y.S. (2017): Ascomycetous pathogenic fungi of the maple (Acer L.) trees from Uzbekistan. Joint IUFRO Meeting of WP 7.03.05 & 7.03.10 “Forest Insects and Pathogens in a Changing Environment: Ecology, Monitoring & Genetics”, Thessaloniki, Greece, September 2017.

Mamadaminov, R., Azizov, V., Gafforov, Y.S. (2017): Чодаксой хавзаси гулли ўсимликларининг ун-шудринг замбуруғларига оид маълумотлар [Some Data on Powdery Mildew Fungi of Flowering Plants from Chodaksoy Basin]. International Scientific Conference of National University of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, May 2017, 119-121 (In Uzbek).

Gafforov, Y.S. (2017): Ўзбекистонда микологик коллекцияларни электрон маълумотлар базасига ўтказиш ишлари [Create Digital Database of Mycological Herbarium of Uzbekistan]. International Scientific Conference of National University of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, May 2017, 264-266 (In Uzbek).

Gafforov Y.S. Wood Inhabiting Fungi of Western Tien Shan Mountains. Uzbek-China joint workshop, Tashkent, Uzbekistan. September 2016.

Gafforov, Y.S., Ordynets A., Gugliotta A.M., Langer E. (2015): First report of Phlebia rufa (Meruliaceae) from Uzbekistan, Central Asia. International Scientific Conference "Modern methods of scientific investigation of high global education system", Navoiy, Uzbekistan, April 2015, 7-9.

Gafforov, Y.S. (2014): Biodiversity and occurrence of the parasitic microfungi on walnut trees (Juglans regia L.) in Western Tien-Shan. 2nd International Conference on Arid Land Studies Innovations for Sustainability and Food Security in Arid and Semiarid Lands, Samarkand, Uzbekistan, September 2014, 38.

Sulaymonov, Sh., Gafforov, Y.S. (2014): Some data on wood decay fungi in Zarafshon Reserve of Uzbekistan. 2nd International Conference on Arid Land Studies Innovations for Sustainability and Food Security in Arid and Semiarid Lands. Samarkand, Uzbekistan, September 2014, 62-64.

Sulaymonov, Sh., Gafforov, Y.S. (2014): Зарафшон қўриқхонаси дарахт ва бута ўсимликларида тарқалган микромицетлар [Some data on microfungi of trees and shrub plants of Zarafshon reserve]. Republic conference of Biodiversity, Conservation and rational using of gene-pool of plants and animals, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, September 2014, 62-64 (In Uzbek).

Gafforov, Y., Yarasheva, M., Tomsovsky, M., Stenlid, J., (2013): Diversity of wood inhabiting fungi in Western Tien Shan Mountains. Asian Mycological Congress 2013 and the 13th International Marine and Freshwater Mycology Symposia, Beijing, China, August 2013, 99-100.

Gafforov Y.S. (2012): Biodiversity of Wood Inhabiting Fungi. Annual Workshop of Organism Biology in Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden, June, 2012. 

Gafforov, Y.S., Orozumbekov, A.A., Rakhimova, E., Nam, G.A., Stenlid, J. (2012): Pests and diseases of forest trees in Central Asia. Joint IUFRO 7.03.10 – “Methodology of forest insect and disease survey” and WP 7.03.06 – “Integrated management of forest defoliating insects” Working Party Meeting, Palanga, Lithuania, September 2012, 24-25.

Gafforov, Y.S., Stenlid, J. (2012): Древоразружаущие грибы в Угам-Чаткальского Государственного национального парка в Западном Тянь-Шаня - предварительные результети [Wood-inhabiting fungi from the Ugam-Chatkal State National Park in the Western Tien-Shan Mountain - preliminary results]. IV International Conference “Mountain ecosystems and their components”, Sukhumie, Abkhazia, September 2012, 193-194.

Gafforov, Y.S., Yarasheva, M.T. (2011): A study on microfungi biota of Fergana Valley within Uzbekistan. IV-International Scientific ConferenceEcological peculiarity of biological diversity”, Dushanbe, Tajikistan, October 2011, 76-77.

Gafforov, Y.S., Nuraliev, H. H., Iminova, M.M., Alloyorov, N. J. (2009): ЎзР ФА “Ботаника” ИИМнинг Н.Р. Русанов номидаги Ботаника боғида интродукция қилинган дарахтларнинг фитопатоген замбуруғларига оид айрим маълумотлар [The materials of flora Phytopathogenic fungi on wood plants of the introduction in the Botanical Garden name after N.R. Rusanova of SCPP “Botanika”, UzAS]. IV Scientific and Practical Conference of Republic of UzbekistanProblems and Prospects of Introduction Plants”. Tashkent, Uzbekistan, July 2009, 18-20.

Gafforov, Y.S., Liu, X. Z., Deng, C. Y., Li, T.H. (2009): Anamika lactariolens: new record for China and its world distribution. International Scientific Conference “Actual problems of Algology, Mycology and Hydrobotany”. Tashkent, Uzbekistan. September 2009, 51-54.

Gafforov, Y.S., Liu, X. Z. (2009): Biodiversity and distribution of the Agaricus species (Agaricaceae) in Uzbekistan and China. International Scientific Conference “Actual problems of Algology, Mycology and Hydrobotany”. Tashkent, Uzbekistan. September 2009, 55.

Gafforov, Y.S., Mamadalieva, N.Z., Iminova, M.M., Egamberdieva, D.R., Madrakhimov, Sh.N. (2009): Antibacterial activity of the extracts from the two Uzbek medicinal mushrooms Inonotus obliquus and Inonotus hispidus (Hymenochaetaceae Donk). International Scientific Conference “Actual problems of Algology, Mycology and Hydrobotany”. Tashkent, Uzbekistan. September 2009, 183-185.

Rasulov, B.A., Pattaeva, M.A., Khamidova, H.M. and Gafforov, Y.S. (2009): The study morphology, physiology of the thermotolerant and thermophylic fungi isolated from the soils of Uzbekistan and their indolic compounds. International Scientific Conference “Actual problems of Algology, Mycology and Hydrobotany”. Tashkent, Uzbekistan. September 2009, 201-204.

Nuraliev, H.H., Gafforov, Y.S., Alloyorov, N. J. (2008): Тошкент вилояти Бўстонлиқ тумани маданий ўсимликларининг паразит микромицетлар билан консортив алоқаси [The consort relationship interaction parasitic microfungi with the host cultivated plants in Bustonliq district of Tashkent Region]. Materials of International Scientific Conference “Ecological Problems of Desertification of Uzbekistan”. Tashkent, Uzbekistan, April 2008, 107-110.

Iminova, M. M., Nuraliev, H. H. and Gafforov, Y.S. (2008): Macrofungal Diversity of Fergana Valley in Uzbekistan. Symposium of China-Japan Pan Asia Pacific Mycology Forum. Changchun, China, July 28 to August 5, 2008. Poster.

Gafforov, Y.S., Nuraliev, H.H., Iminova, M.M., Allayarov, N.D. (2007): Mycoflora of soil Sariasiya tuman, Uzbekistan. ІІІ International Young Scientists Conference “Biodiversity, Ecology, Adaptation evolution” at Mechnykov Odessa National University and Kholodny Institute of Botany. Odessa, Ukraine, May 2007, 86.

Iminova, M.M., Gafforov, Y.S. (2007): Macromycetes of the Yazyavan steppe of the Fergana Valley. ІІІ International Young Scientists Conference “Biodiversity, Ecology, Adaptation evolution” at Mechnykov Odessa National University and Kholodny Institute of Botany. Odessa, Ukraine, May 2007, 87.

Gafforov, Y.S., Ono, Y. (2007): The diversity of rust fungi and their host plants in Namangan Region, Uzbekistan. XV-Congress of European Mycologist. Saint Petersburg, Russia, September 2007, 19-20.

Nuraliev, H.H., Gafforov, Y.S. (2007): Preliminary data on Mycobiota trees and bushes plant species in the National Botanical Garden of. Uzbekistan. Andijan State University and SCPP “Botanika” UzAS Joint International Scientific-Practical Conference “Biology, Ecology and Plant protection” Andijan, Uzbekistan, October, 2007, 2-4.

Gafforov, Y.S. (2007): Taxonomic analysis and floristic comparison of microfungi of the Fergana Valley as against to other regions of Uzbekistan and Central Asia. Andijan State University and SCPP “Botanika” UzAS Joint International Scientific-Practical Conference “Biology, Ecology and Plant protection” Andijan, Uzbekistan, October, 2007, 12-15.

Gafforov, Y.S., Iminova, M.M. and Liu Xi. (2007): Contributions to the Macrofungi Flora of Fergana Valley. Andijan State University and SCPP “Botanika” UzAS Joint International Scientific-Practical Conference “Biology, Ecology and Plant protection” Andijan, Uzbekistan, October, 2007, 15-18.

Gafforov, Y.S. (2007): Diversity of parasitic hyphalic fungi in Fergana Valley. First All Russian Young Scientific - Conference of Botanist, Novosibirsk, Russia, April 2007, 17-21.

Gafforov, Y.S. (2004): Наманган вилоятининг Ascomycotina замбуруғлари [Ascomycotina of Namangan Region]. Materials of International Conference “Development of Botany in Central Asia and its Integration in Production” Tashkent, Uzbekistan, September, 2004. 249-251 (In Uzbek).

Gafforov, Y.S. (2004): Наманган вилоятининг базидияли (Basidiomycotina) замбуруғларининг таксономик таркиби [Taxonomical composition of Basidial fungi of Namangan Region (Basidiomycotina)]. Materials of International Conference “Development of Botany in Central Asia and its Integration in Production” Tashkent, Uzbekistan, September, 2004. 251-253.

Gafforov, Y.S. (2003): Rust fungi of Namangan Region. The Scientific-Technical Society Uzbekistan “TINBO” II-International Conference “Science and Technology in XXI Century”. Tashkent, Uzbekistan, May 2003, 46.

Gafforov, Y.S. (2003): Materials on flora of parasite fungi in sandy valleys of the Namangan region. The 8th Pushchino School-Conference of Young Scientists “Biology the Science of the XXI Century” Moscow, Russia, September 2003, 23.

Gafforov, Y.S. (2003): Наманган вилоятининг данак ва уруғ мевали ўсимликлари микофлораси, уларнинг замбуруғ касалликлари [Mycoflora and the fungal diseases of stone-seeds fruit-tree plants in Namangan Region]. Reports of International Scientific-Practical Conference “Advances of Integration in Education, Science and Production in Agriculture of Uzbekistan” Tashkent, Uzbekistan, October 2003, 98-101 (In Uzbek).

Solieva, Ya.S., Gafforov, Y.S. (2003): Мучнисто-росяные грибы на растениях Наманганской области [Powdery mildew fungi on Namangan region] International Scientific Conference “Botanical Researches in Kazakhstan” Almaty, Kazakhstan, November 2003, 126-129 (in Russian).

Gafforov, Y.S., Solieva, Ya.S. (2002): Taxonomical composition of micromycetes of vascular plants in Namangan region. Vth Plant Life of Southwest Asia and Central Asia Symposium of Yuzunchi Yule University. Van, Turkey, June, 2002, 70.

Gafforov, Y.S., Solieva, Ya.S. (2002): Наманган вилоятида Cytospora Fr. туркуми вакилларини ўсимликларида тарқалиши [Distribution species of Cytospora Fr. genus of plants in Namangan Region]. Scientific Conference Dedicated to 10th of Karshi State University. Karshi, Uzbekistan, September 2002, 13-15 (In Uzbek). 

Solieva, Ya.S., Gafforov, Y.S. (2002): Закономерности распространения сферопсидальных грибов Наманганской области [Conformity distribution of Sphaeropsidaceous fungi of Namangan region]. Materials of International Conference “Devoted to 70th of Institute of Botany and Phyto-Introduction”. Almaty, Kazakhstan, October, 2002, 190-192 (In Russian).

Solieva, Ya. S., Gafforov, Y.S. (2000): Наманган вилоятининг юксак ўсимликларининг микофлорасига оид айрима маълумотлар [Some notes on mycoflora of vascular plants of Namangan region]. II- Congress of Microbiologist of Uzbekistan. Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Mart 2000, 73 (In Uzbek).

Nuraliev, H.H., Gafforov, Y.S. (2000): Ўзбекистон шароитида Plerotus osteratus Fr.Kum устириш [The growing Plerotus osteratus Fr.Kum. in Uzbekistan condition] II- Republican Scientific Conference of Young Scientist Botanist of Uzbekistan. Tashkent, Uzbekistan, September 2000, 48-49 (In Uzbek).